Log onto the http://www.easysearch.org.uk/ website and raise money for Spur by searching the Internet,shopping online or you can make a donation. Please follow the link below and register.
For Benefit advice visit Direct Gov Benefit advice
Disabled Parking Badge
Free Cinema Pass for P.A or Companion
Radar Disabled Toilet Key
Spinal Injuries Association NHS Wales Free Bus Pass
http://www.asbah.org/ Association for Spina Bifida
http://www.embarrassingproblems.com/ Website providing help and advice for such issues
http://www.bladderandbowelfoundation.org/ A charity providing information and support to people affected by bladder and bowel problems
http://www.patient.co.uk/ Resource for patients and carers
disability now magazine
BBC Disability talk show
Please feel free to let us know of any sites or organisations that you find useful.