Thursday, 8 September 2011

Spur Round-up

Rookwood Spur Fish & Chip Evening

After the success of the first evening we will again be holding another Fish & Chip Evening at Big Dave's on Barry Promendade on Thursday 20th October. For more info please email us at

NATNIGHT At Clwb Ifor Bach

Rookwood Spur would like to pass on our deepest thanks to James Hannam and the family of  Nathaniel Rowson who organised a tribute and fundrasing event at Clwb Ifor Bach on the 4th of August.  We've received approximately £2,900 which was raised  from a collection at Nathaniel's funeral,  a  bucket collection on the night and the proceeds of the event. 

You can read a full write up of the night on the the Wales online website by clicking on the link below.